Effectively Navigate Your DUI Case with Proven
Cherokee and Cobb County DUI Defense Attorneys
Among the most common cases in Georgia courts are those alleging driving under the influence (DUI). When you or a loved one faces DUI charges or any other type of criminal charge for the first time, especially if you are in your teens or early 20s, you will no doubt have many questions and concerns. You may be worried about the impacts a DUI will have on college or career plans or whether being in the justice system will define you for the rest of your life. A Marietta DUI lawyer can help you and your family navigate this difficult time and move past it in the best way possible. Call our firm today to speak with our trusted team of defense attorneys.
There are multiple different types of DUI charges in Georgia. These include DUI per se, DUI less safe, underage DUI, and DUI involving drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol. In many circumstances, a DUI is charged as a misdemeanor but can result in felony consequences for multiple offenses. A first-time conviction carries mandatory minimum punishments that include:
In addition to the legal penalties imposed after a conviction, other consequences can include a reduced ability to care for yourself and your loved ones if your license is revoked, as well as lost wages or a reduced future income due to a lost job or college opportunities. Our seasoned Marietta attorneys believe that every person should have an opportunity to have a vibrant future without the judgment that can follow after a DUI arrest. We understand that everyone makes mistakes and will work hard to minimize the extent of damage that this can have on your future.
Individuals who are 16 and under will have their cases handled in Juvenile Court, whereas DUI charges for those 17 and older will be heard in adult court. In either scenario, a conviction will stay on a person’s state driver’s history. For individuals who are convicted as adults, charges will be on their official criminal history for the rest of their lives.
DUI charges are complex and require proper counsel and defense to minimize their impact successfully. Our skilled Marietta attorneys will conduct an initial DUI defense strategy meeting, set up a fact-gathering and mitigation planning session, investigate your case and the prosecution’s, and use this information to offer you an analysis of your best defense options.
This includes carefully analyzing specific aspects of a DUI charge or arrest, such as:
Through this process, our team focuses on protecting you or your loved one from both the long- and short-term impacts of a DUI charge.
An arrest or charge for an alleged DUI is a serious matter, especially for a young person. A Marietta DUI lawyer can help you navigate the unknowns of this type of criminal case and lessen the future impacts that can follow. We want to ensure you and your family have a full understanding of the process as well as your options. Call Ghanouni Teen & Young Adult Defense Firm to schedule a consultation to see if we are a good fit for your situation.
Ghanouni Teen & Young Adult Defense Firm