Effectively Navigate Your Traffic Case with Proven
Cherokee and Cobb County Traffic Defense Atorneys
According to the Encyclopedia of Everyday Law, “the first traffic ticket in the United States was allegedly given to a New York City cab driver on May 20, 1899, for going at the breakneck speed of 12 miles per hour.”
Today, we have a myriad of local, regional traffic laws that vary from state to state, and violations may cost you far more than a fine and court expenses. Georgia uses a point system for violations of traffic laws. The points you accumulate not only affect your driving record and car insurance but may also cause you to lose your driver’s license and, depending on the circumstances, land you in jail. If you were charged with a traffic violation, you deserve an experienced criminal defense attorney at your side. Regardless of whether you are a teen or young adult, a Cherokee County traffic lawyer could assess your case, explain what options you have, and help you get a second chance out on the road.
It is inevitable that the operation of motor vehicles on state roads leads to many traffic violations. Speeding, moving violations, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI), hit and run, vehicular manslaughter, driving without a license, and reckless operation are only a few instances.
A conviction for a traffic violation in Cherokee County could result in a combination of the following:
Speeding and other minor traffic offenses may result only in fines. However, they are also criminal offenses. Repeat offenses carry the stiffest penalties, as do accidents that lead to death, and drunk driving charges such as driving under the influence (DUI).
State code establishes the follow point distribution for various traffic offenses:
Aggressive driving | 6 points |
Reckless driving | 4 points |
Unlawful passing of a school bus | 6 points |
Improper passing on a hill or a curve | 4 points |
Exceeding the speed limit by more than 14 miles per hour, but less than 19 miles per hour | 2 points |
Exceeding the speed limit by 19 miles per hour or more, but less than 24 miles per hour | 3 points |
Exceeding the speed limit by 24 miles per hour or more, but less than 34 miles per hour | 4 points |
Exceeding the speed limit by 34 miles per hour or more | 6 points |
Disobedience of any traffic-control device or traffic officer | 3 points |
Too fast for conditions | 0 points |
Possessing an open container of an alcoholic beverage, while driving | 2 points |
Failure to adequately secure a load, except fresh farm produce, resulting in loss of such load onto the roadway, which results in an accident | 2 points |
Violation of child safety restraint requirements, first offense | 1 point |
Violation of child safety restraint requirements, second or subsequent offense | 2 points |
All other moving traffic violations which are not speed limit violations | 3 points |
The Code also provides that the commissioner shall suspend the driver’s license of any person who has accumulated a violation point count of 15 or more points in any consecutive 24-month period. At the end of the period of suspension, the violation point count shall be reduced to zero points.
If a young plaintiff of their family needs further clarification about the point system for traffic offenses, a seasoned lawyer in Cherokee County could elaborate during a consultation.
State laws establish that, for drivers under 21, any off the following offenses will result in a license suspension:
Facing a license suspension could be frightening and have a profound impact on a teen or young adults’ life, but a compassionate Cherokee County attorney could fight this conviction or help minimize the consequences.
At our practice, we regularly assist clients with a full range of traffic citations from DUI to speeding and moving violations, as well as charges filed in connection with traffic accidents and license suspensions.
When you are charged with a traffic violation in and your freedom to drive is curtailed, your job is in jeopardy, and you are facing potential jail time, call our law firm to arrange an appointment and learn how we can help. Our Cherokee County traffic lawyers can provide the detailed and professional guidance you need.
Ghanouni Teen & Young Adult Defense Firm