Effectively Navigate Your Traffic Ticket Case with Proven
Cherokee and Cobb County Under 21 Traffic Violation Defense Attorneys
Those who are at the greatest risk for a driver’s license suspension are under 21 drivers who get tickets. What can suspend your driver’s license depends on how old you are. According to state law, drivers are basically broken down in to three categories based on their age:
One key point about this age is that your age at the time of the ticket does not matter. Instead, what matters more is your age when you are convicted of the offense. By exercising certain rights that are available to everyone charged with a crime, there are opportunities to prolong the case. This can be advantageous to those who are approaching a birthday that will push them in to the next age category.
If you are worried about a traffic ticket and would like help to see if we can help delaying your case to move you to the next age category, consider taking your under 21 traffic ticket to a Cherokee County attorney.
For those who are 21 of older, your driver’s license can be suspended if you:
Click here for a listing of moving violations and the points they carry.
The most common serious traffic offenses that we see individuals charged with that can result in a suspension of their driver’s license include:
If you are facing a points suspension, or if you’ve been charged with a serious in this age category, there are steps that can be taken to fight the suspension of your Georgia driver’s license.
When you move into the 18 to 20 category, all of the same things that would suspend someone 21 and older still apply. This includes getting 15 or more points in 24 months, or being convicted of a serious traffic offenses that carries a driver’s license suspension. However, you have the additional way to have your driver’s license suspended if you are under 21, which is if you are convicted of a single offense that carries four or more points.
The most common places that we see a single ticket that carries four or more points are:
Again, you can find a full listing of moving violations and the points they carry on our site. If you are under 21 and have a pending traffic ticket, it’s very important to get representation to look for every way to save your driver’s license.
By handling tickets like these since our firm was founded in 2007, we have developed a system that we implement in these cases that explores the available options in a case where an under 21 driver’s license is at stake. If you’d like to discuss having our team implement this system in your case, speak with our seasoned lawyers in Cherokee County.
When you are 17 and under, you are in the category where it is easiest to get your driver’s license suspended.
Like the 18-20 year old drivers, your license will be suspended for a single 4 point offense. Like the 21 and up drivers, your license will be suspended for a serious traffic offense that imposes a driver’s license suspension.
However, instead of having 15 points in a 24 month period, you will have your driver’s license suspended for getting four or more points in a 12 month period.
As you can tell by looking at the state’s points schedule, most moving violations are three-point offenses. This means that if you are convicted of almost any two moving violations, you’ll hit that four points. Hitting that four points will result in a suspension of your Georgia driver’s license.
If you need help with a ticket for someone 17 or younger, reach out to our skilled Cherokee County representatives.
A common misconception is that a “super speeder ticket” for someone under 21 will automatically suspend their driver’s license. Whether the ticket is a super speeder or not does not control the suspension of an under 21 driver’s license. The offenses and points outlined above are what determine whether or not the driver’s license is suspended. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be concerned about a super speeder ticket. It still carries additional fines for your teen child and can impact your car insurance rates.
People come to us regularly because they get notice that their driver’s license has been suspended after they pay a ticket. This typically happens when someone under 21 with a Georgia driver’s license pays a ticket for a suspensible offense or for an offense that pushes them over their point total. This can happen when they pay a ticket in Georgia or even when they pay an out of state ticket.
There are steps that can be taken to fight a license suspension after its been imposed, but this is a much more challenging avenue than handling the case properly on the front end. Fortunately for our clients, we have been able to help many of them who received a notice of suspension after paying a ticket.
If you’ve received a notice that your Driver’s License has been suspended and you’d like to explore options to try to get your license reinstated, meet with a Cherokee County attorney today.
We often tell people that the easiest ticket to get resolved in a way that it doesn’t show up on your driver’s history is the first ticket. Some people simply pay the first ticket and get a traffic ticket lawyer when they get a second ticket. Even a first ticket can have negative impacts on your drivers history, suspend your driver’s license, or cause significant insurance increases. We recommend discussing every ticket with an attorney to see if it makes sense to obtain representation for the ticket. This is especially true for under 21 drivers.
Whether you are facing your first ticket or you aren’t sure how many you’ve had in the past, we can help. Contact our office to schedule a meeting to discuss the tickets you are facing.
Ghanouni Teen & Young Adult Defense Firm