Effectively Navigate Your Criminal Case with Proven
Cherokee and Cobb County Criminal Defense Attorneys
Few events in a person’s life are as intimidating as facing criminal charges. Something as simple as a lapse in judgment or being in the wrong place at the wrong time could result in you facing serious legal consequences. This is especially true for young people who might be experiencing their first interaction with the justice system.
Even if the allegations are seemingly minor, a criminal conviction has the potential to create a permanent record and require you to spend time in jail. Fortunately, our experienced legal team could help you or a loved one assess your options while protecting your rights and pursuing the best-case outcome possible in the given situation. Reach out to our firm to speak with a Marietta criminal defense lawyer who understands what you are going through and will help you keep your future on track.
While there are many different types of criminal charges, some alleged criminal acts are more common among teens and young adults. Some crimes are considered misdemeanors, while other more serious offenses are categorized as felonies. Some of the most common offenses our team handles include:
Regardless of the charge, any young adult or teen facing conviction for an alleged criminal offense deserves a dedicated Marietta defense attorney to review the details of their case and help them find the best path forward. For some people that involves trying to seek a negotiated outcome, while for others it involves looking for ways to fight the case.
Every criminal allegation is a serious matter. Even so, it is extremely helpful to understand how a person’s age will impact how the case moves forward. The law in Georgia applies equally to all people aged 13 and above. However, their age at the time of arrest can influence which court will hear the case.
Most people under 17 will see their cases go to the Juvenile Court. If the court adjudicates the child delinquent, which is Juvenile Court’s version of finding a person guilty, it has a broader discretion to impose penalties than those prescribed by the state’s juvenile code. Individuals who are 17 and above, however, will have their cases heard in the adult criminal justice system. Many key differences exist between being charged as an adult and a juvenile.
Many juvenile cases are not part of public records and are never heard by a jury. Instead, judges are focused on rehabilitation and might focus on penalties that give the teen a chance to learn from their mistakes and move past their situation proactively. This does not mean that juvenile criminal charges should not be taken seriously. Guidance from a skilled Marietta defense attorney is still necessary to make sure that a young defendant minimizes the short- and long-term effects of their criminal case.
Young people who are tried as adults have the potential to face more severe punishments, such as jail time and a lifelong criminal history that can negatively impact their future. In these instances, it is vital to take steps that focus on helping young adults achieve their goals and full potential.
People facing criminal charges need to give themselves every possible advantage moving forward. This should include hiring a Marietta criminal defense lawyer to help them with their case.
When you or your loved one are charged or arrested for allegedly committing a criminal act, contact our team to learn your options and see if working together can be a good fit for everyone. If we are a good fit for each other, we want to help you try to keep your life on track. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
Ghanouni Teen & Young Adult Defense Firm